To create a communications environment in Latvia in which the path from ideas to action is continually getting shorter.
Brand message
To get from ideas to action, people have to overcome various obstacles and barriers: doubts, uncertainty and a lack of resources. Our values of development, passion and cooperation help to overcome them and provide inspiration for new tasks. Our goal is to shorten the path from ideas to action. This idea is reflected by the slogan THINK – DO. Since both words are equally important, we write them in capitals and separate them with a dash.
LMT tools make it possible to do things that people already do faster and more easily. LMT inspires people to glimpse new opportunities and to do things that previously seemed impossible. We are unafraid of failures or the opinions of others. LMT believes that Latvia is a land of enterprising and capable people, who are about to thrive.
Supreme goal

We are independently-minded and take our own course of action, doing things with confidence. We are demanding towards ourselves and others. We are a company that not only fosters its growth, but also acts for the benefit of the whole of Latvian society.

Latvia is our only home. Not only are we responsible for the developing the industry, but also for making sure that the people of Latvia have access to the most modern technologies in the world.

Values in communication
We are active and energetic, aware of our power and influence, but we don’t brag about this.
Attributes to be used: an open disposition, accessibility and a smile. We call things by their real names.
Things to avoid: high-mindedness, pompous formality and hollow slogans.
Instead of describing or characterising, we invite action.
Attributes to be used: verbs.
Things to avoid: adjectives and adverbs.
We speak to people who are just like us, not to a target audience. Our job is not to impose, but rather to offer opportunities.
Attributes to be used: conversational subjects that matter to people.
Things to avoid: telecommunications sector and corporate slang.
TNS NeedScope is a research model that helps to identify the audience's emotional needs that can be met by the brand. In its position as one of the most powerful brands in the telecommunications sector, LMT has traditionally addressed the Aristocratic and Analytical Needs segment. To preserve the uniqueness and strengthen the brand, we focus on the Aristocratic segment.
We speak to self-confident, relentless and success-oriented people.
Characterisation of aristocrats
They act mindfully and are confident about their accomplishments.
Ambitions and goal-orientation are their main driving force.
They are focused on competition and successes.
They always know what they want and feel confident about their actions.
They want to feel respected, receive recognition and to acquire influence within society.
They are oriented towards the use of a Premium class brand that gives them the chance to feel different and special.
They want to collaborate with a service provider that offers modern solutions and is a leader in the introduction of new technologies.
Corresponding characteristics
Realistically thinking
Inappropriate characteristics